Wednesday, March 9, 2011

intensive thinking

search what kind of landscape of thoughts, interpretations, or practices is in place around the term, 'intensive thinking':

first encounter:

'...favouring what Eshun (following Deleuze and Guattari) calls “concept-engineering”, rather than “theory”...'

lateral thinking I:
knoweldge production - market against capitalism/designprocess/designresearch/note-making/small businesses/networks of small institutions

lateral thinking II
as a text: deterritorialisation of a text by n. characteristics/operations - (such as small/plural/bottom-up/market exchange)
as a drawing: deterritorialisation of a drawing by n. characteristics/operations
as a use: deterritorialisation of use by n. characteristics/operations

text - drawing - use : from language-base to material-base?

manual as it is instant and immediate, but evolving a framework, while proliferating variables.

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